Will Goodlet
I’m a photographer and youtuber living in South Africa. I explore remote places with my land rovers, Basil and Manuel, looking for wildlife, birdlife and epic landscapes to photograph and share with you.
This is your guide to photographing Africa.

Tips & thoughts for nature photographers.
The Team
My trusty Land Rovers are a 2011 110 Defender, named ‘Basil’ and a 1997 90 Defender named ‘Manuel’.
Can you guess who they are named after?
Manuel in Goldengate, South Africa
Basil at Kubu Island,Botswana
▶️ join me on Youtube

African Nightsacapes
I love Africa after dark - If you are interested in learning how to photograph nightscapes read on!
Lightroom Wildlife Toolkit 3 Pack
Professional level photo-editing of wildlife, bird and nature photographs at your fingertips.
Get pro results every time by following the workflow, applying the profiles and finishing off with the custom brushkit.
A professional level editing workflow for serious photographers.