Will Goodlet Nature Photography

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5 Tips for Photography on a Wildlife Safari

Here are 5 simple tips anyone can use to improve your wildlife photography on an African Safari. Wildlife Photography in Africa is not about how big your lens is, there's much more to getting great shots of wildlife.

In this video, I share 5 simple tips that I use all the time. I make videos mostly about what I believe to be important in nature photography and for me, this is the behind the scenes story of how I get some of my shots.

It's not easy to juggle between stills and video and I don't always capture video footage of the wildlife, a usable still and a piece-to-camera explaining the shot. When I do, I try to put it together to tell a story here on Youtube or to share some info that will help you to capture similar shots.

It's always difficult to pitch the information to the right level. I don't often talk about camera settings or equipment because in most cases it's possible to capture versions of the shot with different settings and different gear - there is no perfect solution.

There is instead, a range of them. I've found that this is often difficult to explain to beginners who typically want to follow a script. Wildlife photography doesn't really have many scripts, we are confronted by a range of problems and it is experience, practice, and patience that offer the best solutions.

Beyond camera gear and settings, wildlife photography, like life, becomes a game of chance and calculated opportunity. It's this experience that I hope to share in most of my videos because this is what really makes the difference between a snapshot and a wildlife photograph.