Join me on the dusty roads as I search for wildlife, birds & landscape to photograph. I share thoughts, travels, tips and my life photographing Africa.
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Creating Wildlife Panoramas
Wildlife Panoramas can be a wonderful way to add a different look to your images. Here are some of my top tips for success.
A Forest Proposal
A sweaty and nervous search for the courage to ask a fateful question in a place I would never have imagined.
Wild Horses of the Namib - Garub Pan Namibia
The wild horses of the Namib survive in one of the harshest environments on earth. Abandoned over one hundred years ago, somehow, against all odds, they are still here.
All about Camera Lenses
Dazed and confused by all of the different lenses available for nature photography? Unpack the mystery in this straightforward guide to lenses for the nature and wildlife photographer.
Full Frame v Crop - what's the difference?
What are the differences and advantages between Full Frame and Crop Sensor DSLR's for wildlife and nature photography?
Types of Camera for Wildlife & Nature Photography
Want the low-down on the correct camera equipment when starting out in Wildlife & Nature Photography? Learn which camera, lens and accessories are most suitable for what YOU want to shoot.
The Fighting Zebra of Rietvlei
It's spring at Rietvlei Nature Reserve and that means it is time for Zebra Battles! Find out where to find the action and how to photograph the drama in the grasslands.
Why Does the Rule of Thirds Work in Photography?
Ever wondered what the reasoning and reality are behind the Rule-of-Thirds in photography? I have, I decided to explore the concept, its history and the reasons it seems to work.